
miasm.os_dep.win_32_structs module

from miasm.core.types import MemStruct, Num, Ptr, Str, \
    Array, RawStruct, Union, \
    BitField, Self, Void, Bits, \
    set_allocator, MemUnion, Struct

class UnicodeString(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("length", Num("H")),
        ("maxlength", Num("H")),
        ("data", Ptr("<I", Str("utf16"))),

class ListEntry(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("flink", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("blink", Ptr("<I", Void())),

class LdrDataEntry(MemStruct):

    +0x000 InLoadOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x008 InMemoryOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x010 InInitializationOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x018 DllBase : Ptr32 Void
    +0x01c EntryPoint : Ptr32 Void
    +0x020 SizeOfImage : Uint4B
    +0x024 FullDllName : _UNICODE_STRING
    +0x02c BaseDllName : _UNICODE_STRING
    +0x034 Flags : Uint4B
    +0x038 LoadCount : Uint2B
    +0x03a TlsIndex : Uint2B
    +0x03c HashLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x03c SectionPointer : Ptr32 Void
    +0x040 CheckSum : Uint4B
    +0x044 TimeDateStamp : Uint4B
    +0x044 LoadedImports : Ptr32 Void
    +0x048 EntryPointActivationContext : Ptr32 Void
    +0x04c PatchInformation : Ptr32 Void

    fields = [
        ("InLoadOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("InMemoryOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("InInitializationOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("DllBase", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("EntryPoint", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("SizeOfImage", Num("<I")),
        ("FullDllName", UnicodeString),
        ("BaseDllName", UnicodeString),
        ("Flags", Array(Num("B"), 4)),
        ("LoadCount", Num("H")),
        ("TlsIndex", Num("H")),
        ("union1", Union([
            ("HashLinks", Ptr("<I", Void())),
            ("SectionPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("CheckSum", Num("<I")),
        ("union2", Union([
            ("TimeDateStamp", Num("<I")),
            ("LoadedImports", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("EntryPointActivationContext", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("PatchInformation", Ptr("<I", Void())),


class PEB_LDR_DATA(MemStruct):

    +0x000 Length                          : Uint4B
    +0x004 Initialized                     : UChar
    +0x008 SsHandle                        : Ptr32 Void
    +0x00c InLoadOrderModuleList           : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x014 InMemoryOrderModuleList         : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x01C InInitializationOrderModuleList         : _LIST_ENTRY

    fields = [
        ("Length", Num("<I")),
        ("Initialized", Num("<I")),
        ("SsHandle", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("InLoadOrderModuleList", ListEntry),
        ("InMemoryOrderModuleList", ListEntry),
        ("InInitializationOrderModuleList", ListEntry)

class PEB(MemStruct):

    +0x000 InheritedAddressSpace    : UChar
    +0x001 ReadImageFileExecOptions : UChar
    +0x002 BeingDebugged            : UChar
    +0x003 SpareBool                : UChar
    +0x004 Mutant                   : Ptr32 Void
    +0x008 ImageBaseAddress         : Ptr32 Void
    +0x00c Ldr                      : Ptr32 _PEB_LDR_DATA
    +0x010 processparameter

    fields = [
        ("InheritedAddressSpace", Num("B")),
        ("ReadImageFileExecOptions", Num("B")),
        ("BeingDebugged", Num("B")),
        ("SpareBool", Num("B")),
        ("Mutant", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ImageBaseAddress", Num("<I")),
        ("Ldr", Ptr("<I", PEB_LDR_DATA)),

    +0x00 Next    : struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *
    +0x04 Handler : Ptr32 Void

    fields = [
        ("Next", Ptr("<I", Self())),
        ("Handler", Ptr("<I", Void())),

class EXCEPTION_RECORD(MemStruct):
    DWORD                    ExceptionCode;
    DWORD                    ExceptionFlags;
    struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord;
    PVOID                    ExceptionAddress;
    DWORD                    NumberParameters;

    fields = [
        ("ExceptionCode", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionFlags", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionRecord", Ptr("<I", Self())),
        ("ExceptionAddress", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("NumberParameters", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionInformation", Ptr("<I", Void())),

class NT_TIB(MemStruct):

    +00 struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *ExceptionList
    +04 void *StackBase
    +08 void *StackLimit
    +0c void *SubSystemTib
    +10 void *FiberData
    +10 uint32 Version
    +14 void *ArbitraryUserPointer
    +18 struct _NT_TIB *Self

    fields = [
        ("ExceptionList", Ptr("<I", EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD)),
        ("StackBase", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("StackLimit", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("SubSystemTib", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        (None, Union([
            ("FiberData", Ptr("<I", Void())),
            ("Version", Num("<I"))
        ("ArbitraryUserPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("Self", Ptr("<I", Self())),

class TEB(MemStruct):

    +0x000 NtTib                     : _NT_TIB
    +0x01c EnvironmentPointer        : Ptr32 Void
    +0x020 ClientId                  : _CLIENT_ID
    +0x028 ActiveRpcHandle           : Ptr32 Void
    +0x02c ThreadLocalStoragePointer : Ptr32 Void
    +0x030 ProcessEnvironmentBlock   : Ptr32 _PEB
    +0x034 LastErrorValue            : Uint4B

    fields = [
        ("NtTib", NT_TIB),
        ("EnvironmentPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ClientId", Array(Num("B"), 0x8)),
        ("ActiveRpcHandle", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ThreadLocalStoragePointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ProcessEnvironmentBlock", Ptr("<I", PEB)),
        ("LastErrorValue", Num("<I")),

class ContextException(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("ContextFlags", Num("<I")),
        ("dr0", Num("<I")),
        ("dr1", Num("<I")),
        ("dr2", Num("<I")),
        ("dr3", Num("<I")),
        ("dr4", Num("<I")),
        ("dr5", Num("<I")),

        ("Float", Array(Num("B"), 112)),

        ("gs", Num("<I")),
        ("fs", Num("<I")),
        ("es", Num("<I")),
        ("ds", Num("<I")),

        ("edi", Num("<I")),
        ("esi", Num("<I")),
        ("ebx", Num("<I")),
        ("edx", Num("<I")),
        ("ecx", Num("<I")),
        ("eax", Num("<I")),
        ("ebp", Num("<I")),
        ("eip", Num("<I")),

        ("cs", Num("<I")),
        ("eflags", Num("<I")),
        ("esp", Num("<I")),
        ("ss", Num("<I")),


class ContextException

Base class to easily implement VmMngr backed C-like structures in miasm. Represents a structure in virtual memory.

The mechanism is the following: - set a "fields" class field to be a list of (, ) - instances of this class will have properties to interact with these fields.

Example: class MyStruct(MemStruct): fields = [ # Scalar field: just struct.pack field with one value ("num", Num("I")), ("flags", Num("B")), # Ptr fields contain two fields: "val", for the numerical value, # and "deref" to get the pointed object ("other", Ptr("I", OtherStruct)), # Ptr to a variable length String ("s", Ptr("I", Str())), ("i", Ptr("I", Num("I"))), ]

mstruct = MyStruct(vm, addr)

# Field assignment modifies virtual memory
mstruct.num = 3
assert mstruct.num == 3
memval = struct.unpack("I", vm.get_mem(mstruct.get_addr(),
assert memval == mstruct.num

# Memset sets the whole structure
assert mstruct.num == 0
assert mstruct.num == 0x11111111

other = OtherStruct(vm, addr2)
mstruct.other = other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.val == other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.deref == other
assert == 0x1234

Note that: MyStruct = Struct("MyStruct", ).lval is equivalent to the previous MyStruct declaration.

See the various Type-s doc for more information. See MemStruct.gen_fields doc for more information on how to handle recursive types and cyclic dependencies.

class ContextException(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("ContextFlags", Num("<I")),
        ("dr0", Num("<I")),
        ("dr1", Num("<I")),
        ("dr2", Num("<I")),
        ("dr3", Num("<I")),
        ("dr4", Num("<I")),
        ("dr5", Num("<I")),

        ("Float", Array(Num("B"), 112)),

        ("gs", Num("<I")),
        ("fs", Num("<I")),
        ("es", Num("<I")),
        ("ds", Num("<I")),

        ("edi", Num("<I")),
        ("esi", Num("<I")),
        ("ebx", Num("<I")),
        ("edx", Num("<I")),
        ("ecx", Num("<I")),
        ("eax", Num("<I")),
        ("ebp", Num("<I")),
        ("eip", Num("<I")),

        ("cs", Num("<I")),
        ("eflags", Num("<I")),
        ("esp", Num("<I")),
        ("ss", Num("<I")),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ContextException
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var ContextFlags

var Float

var cs

var dr0

var dr1

var dr2

var dr3

var dr4

var dr5

var ds

var eax

var ebp

var ebx

var ecx

var edi

var edx

var eflags

var eip

var es

var esi

var esp

var fs

var gs

var ss


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size


DWORD ExceptionCode; DWORD ExceptionFlags; struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord; PVOID ExceptionAddress; DWORD NumberParameters; ULONG_PTR ExceptionInformation[EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS];

class EXCEPTION_RECORD(MemStruct):
    DWORD                    ExceptionCode;
    DWORD                    ExceptionFlags;
    struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord;
    PVOID                    ExceptionAddress;
    DWORD                    NumberParameters;

    fields = [
        ("ExceptionCode", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionFlags", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionRecord", Ptr("<I", Self())),
        ("ExceptionAddress", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("NumberParameters", Num("<I")),
        ("ExceptionInformation", Ptr("<I", Void())),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables


var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var ExceptionAddress

var ExceptionCode

var ExceptionFlags

var ExceptionInformation

var ExceptionRecord

var NumberParameters


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size


+0x00 Next : struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD * +0x04 Handler : Ptr32 Void

    +0x00 Next    : struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *
    +0x04 Handler : Ptr32 Void

    fields = [
        ("Next", Ptr("<I", Self())),
        ("Handler", Ptr("<I", Void())),

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var Handler

var Next


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class LdrDataEntry

+0x000 InLoadOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY +0x008 InMemoryOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY +0x010 InInitializationOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY +0x018 DllBase : Ptr32 Void +0x01c EntryPoint : Ptr32 Void +0x020 SizeOfImage : Uint4B +0x024 FullDllName : _UNICODE_STRING +0x02c BaseDllName : _UNICODE_STRING +0x034 Flags : Uint4B +0x038 LoadCount : Uint2B +0x03a TlsIndex : Uint2B +0x03c HashLinks : _LIST_ENTRY +0x03c SectionPointer : Ptr32 Void +0x040 CheckSum : Uint4B +0x044 TimeDateStamp : Uint4B +0x044 LoadedImports : Ptr32 Void +0x048 EntryPointActivationContext : Ptr32 Void +0x04c PatchInformation : Ptr32 Void

class LdrDataEntry(MemStruct):

    +0x000 InLoadOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x008 InMemoryOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x010 InInitializationOrderLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x018 DllBase : Ptr32 Void
    +0x01c EntryPoint : Ptr32 Void
    +0x020 SizeOfImage : Uint4B
    +0x024 FullDllName : _UNICODE_STRING
    +0x02c BaseDllName : _UNICODE_STRING
    +0x034 Flags : Uint4B
    +0x038 LoadCount : Uint2B
    +0x03a TlsIndex : Uint2B
    +0x03c HashLinks : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x03c SectionPointer : Ptr32 Void
    +0x040 CheckSum : Uint4B
    +0x044 TimeDateStamp : Uint4B
    +0x044 LoadedImports : Ptr32 Void
    +0x048 EntryPointActivationContext : Ptr32 Void
    +0x04c PatchInformation : Ptr32 Void

    fields = [
        ("InLoadOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("InMemoryOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("InInitializationOrderLinks", ListEntry),
        ("DllBase", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("EntryPoint", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("SizeOfImage", Num("<I")),
        ("FullDllName", UnicodeString),
        ("BaseDllName", UnicodeString),
        ("Flags", Array(Num("B"), 4)),
        ("LoadCount", Num("H")),
        ("TlsIndex", Num("H")),
        ("union1", Union([
            ("HashLinks", Ptr("<I", Void())),
            ("SectionPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("CheckSum", Num("<I")),
        ("union2", Union([
            ("TimeDateStamp", Num("<I")),
            ("LoadedImports", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("EntryPointActivationContext", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("PatchInformation", Ptr("<I", Void())),


Ancestors (in MRO)

  • LdrDataEntry
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var BaseDllName

var CheckSum

var DllBase

var EntryPoint

var EntryPointActivationContext

var Flags

var FullDllName

var LoadCount

var PatchInformation

var SizeOfImage

var TlsIndex

var union1

var union2


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class ListEntry

Base class to easily implement VmMngr backed C-like structures in miasm. Represents a structure in virtual memory.

The mechanism is the following: - set a "fields" class field to be a list of (, ) - instances of this class will have properties to interact with these fields.

Example: class MyStruct(MemStruct): fields = [ # Scalar field: just struct.pack field with one value ("num", Num("I")), ("flags", Num("B")), # Ptr fields contain two fields: "val", for the numerical value, # and "deref" to get the pointed object ("other", Ptr("I", OtherStruct)), # Ptr to a variable length String ("s", Ptr("I", Str())), ("i", Ptr("I", Num("I"))), ]

mstruct = MyStruct(vm, addr)

# Field assignment modifies virtual memory
mstruct.num = 3
assert mstruct.num == 3
memval = struct.unpack("I", vm.get_mem(mstruct.get_addr(),
assert memval == mstruct.num

# Memset sets the whole structure
assert mstruct.num == 0
assert mstruct.num == 0x11111111

other = OtherStruct(vm, addr2)
mstruct.other = other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.val == other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.deref == other
assert == 0x1234

Note that: MyStruct = Struct("MyStruct", ).lval is equivalent to the previous MyStruct declaration.

See the various Type-s doc for more information. See MemStruct.gen_fields doc for more information on how to handle recursive types and cyclic dependencies.

class ListEntry(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("flink", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("blink", Ptr("<I", Void())),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ListEntry
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class NT_TIB

+00 struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD ExceptionList +04 void StackBase +08 void StackLimit +0c void SubSystemTib +10 void FiberData +10 uint32 Version +14 void ArbitraryUserPointer +18 struct _NT_TIB *Self

class NT_TIB(MemStruct):

    +00 struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *ExceptionList
    +04 void *StackBase
    +08 void *StackLimit
    +0c void *SubSystemTib
    +10 void *FiberData
    +10 uint32 Version
    +14 void *ArbitraryUserPointer
    +18 struct _NT_TIB *Self

    fields = [
        ("ExceptionList", Ptr("<I", EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD)),
        ("StackBase", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("StackLimit", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("SubSystemTib", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        (None, Union([
            ("FiberData", Ptr("<I", Void())),
            ("Version", Num("<I"))
        ("ArbitraryUserPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("Self", Ptr("<I", Self())),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • NT_TIB
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var ArbitraryUserPointer

var ExceptionList

var FiberData

var Self

var StackBase

var StackLimit

var SubSystemTib

var Version


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class PEB

+0x000 InheritedAddressSpace : UChar +0x001 ReadImageFileExecOptions : UChar +0x002 BeingDebugged : UChar +0x003 SpareBool : UChar +0x004 Mutant : Ptr32 Void +0x008 ImageBaseAddress : Ptr32 Void +0x00c Ldr : Ptr32 _PEB_LDR_DATA +0x010 processparameter

class PEB(MemStruct):

    +0x000 InheritedAddressSpace    : UChar
    +0x001 ReadImageFileExecOptions : UChar
    +0x002 BeingDebugged            : UChar
    +0x003 SpareBool                : UChar
    +0x004 Mutant                   : Ptr32 Void
    +0x008 ImageBaseAddress         : Ptr32 Void
    +0x00c Ldr                      : Ptr32 _PEB_LDR_DATA
    +0x010 processparameter

    fields = [
        ("InheritedAddressSpace", Num("B")),
        ("ReadImageFileExecOptions", Num("B")),
        ("BeingDebugged", Num("B")),
        ("SpareBool", Num("B")),
        ("Mutant", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ImageBaseAddress", Num("<I")),
        ("Ldr", Ptr("<I", PEB_LDR_DATA)),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • PEB
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var BeingDebugged

var ImageBaseAddress

var InheritedAddressSpace

var Ldr

var Mutant

var ReadImageFileExecOptions

var SpareBool


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size


+0x000 Length : Uint4B +0x004 Initialized : UChar +0x008 SsHandle : Ptr32 Void +0x00c InLoadOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY +0x014 InMemoryOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY +0x01C InInitializationOrderModuleList : _LIST_ENTRY

class PEB_LDR_DATA(MemStruct):

    +0x000 Length                          : Uint4B
    +0x004 Initialized                     : UChar
    +0x008 SsHandle                        : Ptr32 Void
    +0x00c InLoadOrderModuleList           : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x014 InMemoryOrderModuleList         : _LIST_ENTRY
    +0x01C InInitializationOrderModuleList         : _LIST_ENTRY

    fields = [
        ("Length", Num("<I")),
        ("Initialized", Num("<I")),
        ("SsHandle", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("InLoadOrderModuleList", ListEntry),
        ("InMemoryOrderModuleList", ListEntry),
        ("InInitializationOrderModuleList", ListEntry)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var InInitializationOrderModuleList

var InLoadOrderModuleList

var InMemoryOrderModuleList

var Initialized

var Length

var SsHandle


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class TEB

+0x000 NtTib : _NT_TIB +0x01c EnvironmentPointer : Ptr32 Void +0x020 ClientId : _CLIENT_ID +0x028 ActiveRpcHandle : Ptr32 Void +0x02c ThreadLocalStoragePointer : Ptr32 Void +0x030 ProcessEnvironmentBlock : Ptr32 _PEB +0x034 LastErrorValue : Uint4B ...

class TEB(MemStruct):

    +0x000 NtTib                     : _NT_TIB
    +0x01c EnvironmentPointer        : Ptr32 Void
    +0x020 ClientId                  : _CLIENT_ID
    +0x028 ActiveRpcHandle           : Ptr32 Void
    +0x02c ThreadLocalStoragePointer : Ptr32 Void
    +0x030 ProcessEnvironmentBlock   : Ptr32 _PEB
    +0x034 LastErrorValue            : Uint4B

    fields = [
        ("NtTib", NT_TIB),
        ("EnvironmentPointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ClientId", Array(Num("B"), 0x8)),
        ("ActiveRpcHandle", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ThreadLocalStoragePointer", Ptr("<I", Void())),
        ("ProcessEnvironmentBlock", Ptr("<I", PEB)),
        ("LastErrorValue", Num("<I")),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • TEB
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var ActiveRpcHandle

var ClientId

var EnvironmentPointer

var LastErrorValue

var NtTib

var ProcessEnvironmentBlock

var ThreadLocalStoragePointer


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size

class UnicodeString

Base class to easily implement VmMngr backed C-like structures in miasm. Represents a structure in virtual memory.

The mechanism is the following: - set a "fields" class field to be a list of (, ) - instances of this class will have properties to interact with these fields.

Example: class MyStruct(MemStruct): fields = [ # Scalar field: just struct.pack field with one value ("num", Num("I")), ("flags", Num("B")), # Ptr fields contain two fields: "val", for the numerical value, # and "deref" to get the pointed object ("other", Ptr("I", OtherStruct)), # Ptr to a variable length String ("s", Ptr("I", Str())), ("i", Ptr("I", Num("I"))), ]

mstruct = MyStruct(vm, addr)

# Field assignment modifies virtual memory
mstruct.num = 3
assert mstruct.num == 3
memval = struct.unpack("I", vm.get_mem(mstruct.get_addr(),
assert memval == mstruct.num

# Memset sets the whole structure
assert mstruct.num == 0
assert mstruct.num == 0x11111111

other = OtherStruct(vm, addr2)
mstruct.other = other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.val == other.get_addr()
assert mstruct.other.deref == other
assert == 0x1234

Note that: MyStruct = Struct("MyStruct", ).lval is equivalent to the previous MyStruct declaration.

See the various Type-s doc for more information. See MemStruct.gen_fields doc for more information on how to handle recursive types and cyclic dependencies.

class UnicodeString(MemStruct):
    fields = [
        ("length", Num("H")),
        ("maxlength", Num("H")),
        ("data", Ptr("<I", Str("utf16"))),

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • UnicodeString
  • miasm.core.types.MemStruct
  • miasm.core.types.MemType
  • builtins.object

Class variables

var allocator

var fields

Static methods

def __init__(

self, vm, addr=None, type_=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

def __init__(self, vm, addr=None, type_=None):
    self._vm = vm
    if addr is None:
        self._addr = self.alloc(vm, self.get_size())
        self._addr = addr
    if type_ is not None:
        self._type = type_
    if self._type is None:
        raise ValueError("Subclass MemType and define cls._type or pass "
                         "a type to the constructor")

def cast(

self, other_type)

Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm, but different type). Return the casted MemType.

@other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a MemType subclass

def cast(self, other_type):
    """Cast this MemType to another MemType (same address, same vm,
    but different type). Return the casted MemType.
    @other_type: either a Type instance (other_type.lval is used) or a
        MemType subclass
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr())

def cast_field(

self, field, other_type)

In this implementation, @field is a field name

def cast_field(self, field, other_type):
    """In this implementation, @field is a field name"""
    if isinstance(other_type, Type):
        other_type = other_type.lval
    return other_type(self._vm, self.get_addr(field))

def get_addr(

self, field_name=None)

@field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the address of

def get_addr(self, field_name=None):
    @field_name: (str, optional) the name of the field to get the
        address of
    if field_name is not None:
        offset = self._type.get_offset(field_name)
        offset = 0
    return self._addr + offset

def get_field(

self, name)

Get a field value by name.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def get_field(self, name):
    """Get a field value by name.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.get_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name)

def get_size(


Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.

For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not have the same size.

def get_size(self):
    """Return the dynamic size of this structure (e.g. the size of an
    instance). Defaults to sizeof for this base class.
    For example, MemStr defines get_size but not sizeof, as an instance
    has a fixed size (at least its value has), but all the instance do not
    have the same size.
    return self.sizeof()

def memset(

self, byte=b'\x00')

Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('' by default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).

def memset(self, byte=b'\x00'):
    """Fill the memory space of this MemType with @byte ('\x00' by
    default). The size is retrieved with self.get_size() (dynamic size).
    # TODO: multibyte patterns
    if not isinstance(byte, bytes) or len(byte) != 1:
        raise ValueError("byte must be a 1-lengthed str")
    self._vm.set_mem(self.get_addr(), byte * self.get_size())

def raw(


Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in memory.

def raw(self):
    """Raw binary (str) representation of the MemType as it is in
    return self._vm.get_mem(self.get_addr(), self.get_size())

def set_field(

self, name, val)

Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to this field type.

useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self..

def set_field(self, name, val):
    """Set a field value by name. @val is the python value corresponding to
    this field type.
    useless most of the time since fields are accessible via self.<name>.
    return self._type.set_field(self._vm, self.get_addr(), name, val)

Instance variables

var data

var length

var maxlength


def alloc(

cls, vm, size)

Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set. Raises ValueError otherwise.

def alloc(cls, vm, size):
    """Returns an allocated page of size @size if cls.allocator is set.
    Raises ValueError otherwise.
    if cls.allocator is None:
        raise ValueError("Cannot provide None address to MemType() if"
                         "%s.set_allocator has not been called."
                         % __name__)
    return cls.allocator(vm, size)

def gen_fields(

cls, fields=None)

Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with self.) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.

Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following is not possible in python:

class A(MemStruct):
    fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:

class A(MemStruct):

class B(MemStruct):
    fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]

A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
def gen_fields(cls, fields=None):
    """Generate the fields of this class (so that they can be accessed with
    self.<field_name>) from a @fields list, as described in the class doc.
    Useful in case of a type cyclic dependency. For example, the following
    is not possible in python:
        class A(MemStruct):
            fields = [("b", Ptr("I", B))]
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
    With gen_fields, the following is the legal equivalent:
        class A(MemStruct):
        class B(MemStruct):
            fields = [("a", Ptr("I", A))]
        A.gen_fields([("b", Ptr("I", B))])
    if fields is not None:
        if cls.fields is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot regen fields of a class. Setting "
                             "cls.fields at class definition and calling "
                             "gen_fields are mutually exclusive.")
        cls.fields = fields
    if cls._type is None:
        if cls.fields is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot create a MemStruct subclass without"
                             " a cls._type or a cls.fields")
        cls._type = cls._gen_type(cls.fields)
    if cls._type in DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE:
        # FIXME: Maybe a warning would be better?
        raise RuntimeError("Another MemType has the same type as this "
                           "one. Use it instead.")
    # Register this class so that another one will not be created when
    # calling cls._type.lval
    DYN_MEM_STRUCT_CACHE[cls._type] = cls

def get_offset(

cls, field_name)

Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name).

def get_offset(cls, field_name):
    """Shorthand for self.get_type().get_offset(field_name)."""
    return cls.get_type().get_offset(field_name)

def get_type(


Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this MemType.

def get_type(cls):
    """Returns the Type subclass instance representing the C type of this
    return cls._type

def set_allocator(

cls, alloc_func)

Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).

You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want to use a different allocator.

@alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address

def set_allocator(cls, alloc_func):
    """Set an allocator for this class; allows to instantiate statically
    sized MemTypes (i.e. sizeof() is implemented) without specifying the
    address (the object is allocated by @alloc_func in the vm).
    You may call set_allocator on specific MemType classes if you want
    to use a different allocator.
    @alloc_func: func(VmMngr) -> integer_address
    cls.allocator = alloc_func

def sizeof(


Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size of the underlying Type.

def sizeof(cls):
    """Return the static size of this type. By default, it is the size
    of the underlying Type.
    return cls._type.size