Reverse engineering framework
miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32 Namespace Reference


class  c_winobjs
class  find_data_mngr
class  FLS
class  handle_generator
class  hobj
class  mdl
class  startupinfo
class  systeminfo
class  whandle
class  win32_find_data


def kernel32_HeapAlloc (jitter)
def kernel32_HeapFree (jitter)
def kernel32_GlobalAlloc (jitter)
def kernel32_LocalFree (jitter)
def kernel32_LocalAlloc (jitter)
def msvcrt_new (jitter)
def msvcrt_delete (jitter)
def kernel32_GlobalFree (jitter)
def kernel32_IsDebuggerPresent (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCurrentProcess (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCurrentProcessId (jitter)
def kernel32_Process32First (jitter)
def kernel32_Process32Next (jitter)
def kernel32_GetTickCount (jitter)
def kernel32_GetVersion (jitter)
def kernel32_GetVersionEx (jitter, str_size, encode_str)
def kernel32_GetPriorityClass (jitter)
def kernel32_SetPriorityClass (jitter)
def kernel32_CloseHandle (jitter)
def kernel32_EncodePointer (jitter)
def kernel32_DecodePointer (jitter)
def user32_GetForegroundWindow (jitter)
def user32_FindWindowA (jitter)
def user32_GetTopWindow (jitter)
def user32_BlockInput (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptAcquireContext (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def advapi32_CryptAcquireContextA (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptAcquireContextW (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptCreateHash (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptHashData (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptGetHashParam (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptReleaseContext (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptDeriveKey (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptDestroyHash (jitter)
def advapi32_CryptDecrypt (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateFile (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_CreateFileA (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateFileW (jitter)
def kernel32_ReadFile (jitter)
def kernel32_GetFileSize (jitter)
def kernel32_GetFileSizeEx (jitter)
def kernel32_FlushInstructionCache (jitter)
def kernel32_VirtualProtect (jitter)
def kernel32_VirtualAlloc (jitter)
def kernel32_VirtualFree (jitter)
def user32_GetWindowLongA (jitter)
def user32_SetWindowLongA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetModuleFileName (jitter, funcname, set_str)
def kernel32_GetModuleFileNameA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetModuleFileNameW (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateMutex (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_CreateMutexA (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateMutexW (jitter)
def shell32_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (jitter)
def kernel32_SHGetPathFromIDList (jitter, funcname, set_str)
def shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListW (jitter)
def shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetLastError (jitter)
def kernel32_SetLastError (jitter)
def kernel32_RestoreLastError (jitter)
def kernel32_LoadLibrary (jitter, get_str)
def kernel32_LoadLibraryA (jitter)
def kernel32_LoadLibraryW (jitter)
def kernel32_LoadLibraryEx (jitter, get_str)
def kernel32_LoadLibraryExA (jitter)
def kernel32_LoadLibraryExW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetProcAddress (jitter)
def kernel32_GetModuleHandle (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_GetModuleHandleA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetModuleHandleW (jitter)
def kernel32_VirtualLock (jitter)
def kernel32_GetSystemInfo (jitter)
def kernel32_IsWow64Process (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCommandLine (jitter, set_str)
def kernel32_GetCommandLineA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCommandLineW (jitter)
def shell32_CommandLineToArgvW (jitter)
def cryptdll_MD5Init (jitter)
def cryptdll_MD5Update (jitter)
def cryptdll_MD5Final (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlInitAnsiString (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlHashUnicodeString (jitter)
def kernel32_RtlMoveMemory (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlFindCharInUnicodeString (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlComputeCrc32 (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerAdd (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlCompareMemory (jitter)
def user32_GetMessagePos (jitter)
def kernel32_Sleep (jitter)
def ntdll_ZwUnmapViewOfSection (jitter)
def kernel32_IsBadReadPtr (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_KeInitializeEvent (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_RtlGetVersion (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_RtlVerifyVersionInfo (jitter)
def hal_ExAcquireFastMutex (jitter)
def mdl2ad (n)
def ad2mdl (ad)
def ntoskrnl_IoAllocateMdl (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_MmProbeAndLockPages (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_MmProtectMdlSystemAddress (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_MmUnlockPages (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_IoFreeMdl (jitter)
def hal_ExReleaseFastMutex (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_RtlQueryRegistryValues (jitter)
def ntoskrnl_ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (jitter)
def my_lstrcmp (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def msvcrt_wcscmp (jitter)
def msvcrt__wcsicmp (jitter)
def msvcrt__wcsnicmp (jitter)
def msvcrt_wcsncpy (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcmpA (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcmpiA (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcmpW (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcmpiW (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcmpi (jitter)
def my_strcpy (jitter, funcname, get_str, set_str)
def kernel32_lstrcpyW (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcpyA (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcpy (jitter)
def msvcrt__mbscpy (jitter)
def msvcrt_wcscpy (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcpyn (jitter)
def my_strlen (jitter, funcname, get_str, mylen)
def kernel32_lstrlenA (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrlenW (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrlen (jitter)
def my_lstrcat (jitter, funcname, get_str, set_str)
def kernel32_lstrcatA (jitter)
def kernel32_lstrcatW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetUserGeoID (jitter)
def my_GetVolumeInformation (jitter, funcname, get_str, set_str)
def kernel32_GetVolumeInformationA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetVolumeInformationW (jitter)
def kernel32_MultiByteToWideChar (jitter)
def kernel32_WideCharToMultiByte (jitter)
def my_GetEnvironmentVariable (jitter, funcname, get_str, set_str, mylen)
def kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableW (jitter)
def my_GetSystemDirectory (jitter, funcname, set_str)
def kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryW (jitter)
def my_CreateDirectory (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_CreateDirectoryW (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateDirectoryA (jitter)
def my_CreateEvent (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_CreateEventA (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateEventW (jitter)
def kernel32_WaitForSingleObject (jitter)
def kernel32_SetFileAttributesA (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlMoveMemory (jitter)
def ntdll_ZwQuerySystemInformation (jitter)
def ntdll_ZwProtectVirtualMemory (jitter)
def ntdll_ZwAllocateVirtualMemory (jitter)
def ntdll_ZwFreeVirtualMemory (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlInitString (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (jitter)
def ntdll_LdrLoadDll (jitter)
def ntdll_RtlFreeUnicodeString (jitter)
def ntdll_LdrGetProcedureAddress (jitter)
def ntdll_memset (jitter)
def msvcrt_memset (jitter)
def msvcrt_strrchr (jitter)
def msvcrt_wcsrchr (jitter)
def msvcrt_memcpy (jitter)
def msvcrt_realloc (jitter)
def msvcrt_memcmp (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathFindExtensionA (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathRemoveFileSpecW (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathIsPrefixW (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathIsDirectoryW (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathIsFileSpec (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumber (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberA (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberW (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecA (jitter)
def shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecW (jitter)
def shlwapi_StrToIntA (jitter)
def shlwapi_StrToInt64Ex (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def shlwapi_StrToInt64ExA (jitter)
def shlwapi_StrToInt64ExW (jitter)
def user32_IsCharAlpha (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def user32_IsCharAlphaA (jitter)
def user32_IsCharAlphaW (jitter)
def user32_IsCharAlphaNumericA (jitter)
def get_fmt_args (jitter, fmt, cur_arg, get_str)
def msvcrt_sprintf_str (jitter, get_str)
def msvcrt_sprintf (jitter)
def msvcrt_swprintf (jitter)
def msvcrt_fprintf (jitter)
def shlwapi_StrCmpNIA (jitter)
def advapi32_RegCreateKeyW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCurrentDirectoryA (jitter)
def advapi32_RegOpenKeyEx (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def advapi32_RegOpenKeyExA (jitter)
def advapi32_RegOpenKeyExW (jitter)
def advapi32_RegSetValue (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def advapi32_RegSetValueEx (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def advapi32_RegCloseKey (jitter)
def advapi32_RegSetValueExA (jitter)
def advapi32_RegSetValueExW (jitter)
def advapi32_RegSetValueA (jitter)
def advapi32_RegSetValueW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetThreadLocale (jitter)
def kernel32_SetCurrentDirectory (jitter, get_str)
def kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryW (jitter)
def kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryA (jitter)
def msvcrt_wcscat (jitter)
def kernel32_GetLocaleInfo (jitter, funcname, set_str)
def kernel32_GetLocaleInfoA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetLocaleInfoW (jitter)
def kernel32_TlsAlloc (jitter)
def kernel32_TlsFree (jitter)
def kernel32_TlsSetValue (jitter)
def kernel32_TlsGetValue (jitter)
def user32_GetKeyboardType (jitter)
def kernel32_GetStartupInfo (jitter, funcname, set_str)
def kernel32_GetStartupInfoA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetStartupInfoW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCurrentThreadId (jitter)
def kernel32_InitializeCriticalSection (jitter)
def user32_GetSystemMetrics (jitter)
def wsock32_WSAStartup (jitter)
def get_current_filetime ()
def unixtime_to_filetime (unixtime)
def filetime_to_unixtime (filetime)
def datetime_to_systemtime (curtime)
def kernel32_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (jitter)
def kernel32_GetLocalTime (jitter)
def kernel32_GetSystemTime (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateFileMapping (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_CreateFileMappingA (jitter)
def kernel32_CreateFileMappingW (jitter)
def kernel32_MapViewOfFile (jitter)
def kernel32_UnmapViewOfFile (jitter)
def kernel32_GetDriveType (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_GetDriveTypeA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetDriveTypeW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpace (jitter, funcname, get_str)
def kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceW (jitter)
def kernel32_VirtualQuery (jitter)
def kernel32_GetProcessAffinityMask (jitter)
def msvcrt_rand (jitter)
def msvcrt_srand (jitter)
def msvcrt_wcslen (jitter)
def kernel32_SetFilePointer (jitter)
def kernel32_SetFilePointerEx (jitter)
def kernel32_SetEndOfFile (jitter)
def kernel32_FlushFileBuffers (jitter)
def kernel32_WriteFile (jitter)
def user32_IsCharUpperA (jitter)
def user32_IsCharLowerA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetSystemDefaultLangID (jitter)
def msvcrt_malloc (jitter)
def msvcrt_free (jitter)
def msvcrt_fseek (jitter)
def msvcrt_ftell (jitter)
def msvcrt_rewind (jitter)
def msvcrt_fread (jitter)
def msvcrt_fwrite (jitter)
def msvcrt_fclose (jitter)
def msvcrt_atexit (jitter)
def user32_MessageBoxA (jitter)
def kernel32_myGetTempPath (jitter, set_str)
def kernel32_GetTempPathA (jitter)
def kernel32_GetTempPathW (jitter)
def kernel32_GetTempFileNameA (jitter)
def my_FindFirstFile (jitter, pfilepattern, pfindfiledata, get_win_str, encode_str)
def kernel32_FindFirstFileA (jitter)
def kernel32_FindFirstFileW (jitter)
def kernel32_FindFirstFileExA (jitter)
def kernel32_FindFirstFileExW (jitter)
def my_FindNextFile (jitter, encode_str)
def kernel32_GetNativeSystemInfo (jitter)
def raw2guid (r)
def int2base (x, base)
def msvcrt__ultow (jitter)
def msvcrt_myfopen (jitter, get_str)
def msvcrt__wfopen (jitter)
def msvcrt_fopen (jitter)
def msvcrt_strlen (jitter)
def kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter (jitter)
def kernel32_InitializeCriticalSectionEx (jitter)
def kernel32_EnterCriticalSection (jitter)
def kernel32_LeaveCriticalSection (jitter)
def kernel32_GetProcessHeap (jitter)
def kernel32_GetStdHandle (jitter)
def kernel32_GetFileType (jitter)
def kernel32_IsProcessorFeaturePresent (jitter)
def kernel32_GetACP (jitter)
def kernel32_IsValidCodePage (jitter)
def kernel32_GetCPInfo (jitter)
def kernel32_GetStringTypeW (jitter)


 log = logging.getLogger("win_api_x86_32")
 console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
int DATE_1601_TO_1970 = 116444736000000000
int MAX_PATH = 260
dictionary ACCESS_DICT
 ACCESS_DICT_INV = dict((x[1], x[0]) for x in viewitems(ACCESS_DICT))
 winobjs = c_winobjs()
list process_list
def kernel32_GetVersionExA
def kernel32_GetVersionExW
int temp_num = 0
def kernel32_FindNextFileA = lambda jitter: my_FindNextFile(jitter, encode_win_str_a)
def kernel32_FindNextFileW = lambda jitter: my_FindNextFile(jitter, encode_win_str_w)
 digs = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase
 fls = FLS()
int STD_INPUT_HANDLE = 0xfffffff6
int STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = 0xfffffff5
int STD_ERROR_HANDLE = 0xfffffff4
int FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0000
int FILE_TYPE_CHAR = 0x0002

Function Documentation

◆ ad2mdl()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ad2mdl (   ad)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_CryptAcquireContext()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptAcquireContext (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_CryptAcquireContextA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptAcquireContextA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_CryptAcquireContextW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptAcquireContextW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_CryptCreateHash()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptCreateHash (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptDecrypt()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptDecrypt (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptDeriveKey()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptDeriveKey (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptDestroyHash()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptDestroyHash (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptGetHashParam()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptGetHashParam (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptHashData()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptHashData (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_CryptReleaseContext()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_CryptReleaseContext (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_RegCloseKey()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegCloseKey (   jitter)

◆ advapi32_RegCreateKeyW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegCreateKeyW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegOpenKeyEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegOpenKeyEx (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegOpenKeyExA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegOpenKeyExA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegOpenKeyExW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegOpenKeyExW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValue()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValue (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValueA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValueA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValueEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValueEx (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValueExA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValueExA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValueExW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValueExW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ advapi32_RegSetValueW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.advapi32_RegSetValueW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ cryptdll_MD5Final()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.cryptdll_MD5Final (   jitter)

◆ cryptdll_MD5Init()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.cryptdll_MD5Init (   jitter)

◆ cryptdll_MD5Update()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.cryptdll_MD5Update (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ datetime_to_systemtime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.datetime_to_systemtime (   curtime)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ filetime_to_unixtime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.filetime_to_unixtime (   filetime)
Convert filetime to unixtime
# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724228

◆ get_current_filetime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.get_current_filetime ( )
Get current filetime
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_fmt_args()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.get_fmt_args (   jitter,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hal_ExAcquireFastMutex()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.hal_ExAcquireFastMutex (   jitter)

◆ hal_ExReleaseFastMutex()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.hal_ExReleaseFastMutex (   jitter)

◆ int2base()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.int2base (   x,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CloseHandle()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CloseHandle (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_CreateDirectoryA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateDirectoryA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateDirectoryW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateDirectoryW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateEventA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateEventA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateEventW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateEventW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFile (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFileA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFileA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFileMapping()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFileMapping (   jitter,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFileMappingA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFileMappingA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFileMappingW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFileMappingW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateFileW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateFileW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateMutex()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateMutex (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateMutexA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateMutexA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateMutexW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateMutexW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_DecodePointer()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_DecodePointer (   jitter)
    PVOID DecodePointer(
       PVOID Ptr

    The function returns the decoded pointer.

◆ kernel32_EncodePointer()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_EncodePointer (   jitter)
    PVOID EncodePointer(
        _In_ PVOID Ptr

    Encoding globally available pointers helps protect them from being
    exploited. The EncodePointer function obfuscates the pointer value
    with a secret so that it cannot be predicted by an external agent.
    The secret used by EncodePointer is different for each process.

    A pointer must be decoded before it can be used.

◆ kernel32_EnterCriticalSection()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_EnterCriticalSection (   jitter)
void EnterCriticalSection(
  LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection

◆ kernel32_FindFirstFileA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindFirstFileA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_FindFirstFileExA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindFirstFileExA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_FindFirstFileExW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindFirstFileExW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_FindFirstFileW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindFirstFileW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_FlushFileBuffers()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FlushFileBuffers (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_FlushInstructionCache()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FlushInstructionCache (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetACP()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetACP (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetCommandLine()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCommandLine (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetCommandLineA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCommandLineA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetCommandLineW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCommandLineW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetCPInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCPInfo (   jitter)
  UINT     CodePage,

◆ kernel32_GetCurrentDirectoryA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCurrentDirectoryA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetCurrentProcess()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCurrentProcess (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetCurrentProcessId()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCurrentProcessId (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetCurrentThreadId()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetCurrentThreadId (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpace()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpace (   jitter,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDiskFreeSpaceW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetDriveType()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDriveType (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetDriveTypeA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDriveTypeA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetDriveTypeW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetDriveTypeW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetEnvironmentVariableW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetFileSize()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetFileSize (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetFileSizeEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetFileSizeEx (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetFileType()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetFileType (   jitter)
DWORD GetFileType(
  HANDLE hFile

◆ kernel32_GetLastError()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetLastError (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetLocaleInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetLocaleInfo (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetLocaleInfoA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetLocaleInfoA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetLocaleInfoW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetLocaleInfoW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetLocalTime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetLocalTime (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleFileName()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleFileName (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleFileNameA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleFileNameA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleFileNameW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleFileNameW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleHandle()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleHandle (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleHandleA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleHandleA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetModuleHandleW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetModuleHandleW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetNativeSystemInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetNativeSystemInfo (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetPriorityClass()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetPriorityClass (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetProcAddress()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetProcAddress (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetProcessAffinityMask()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetProcessAffinityMask (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetProcessHeap()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetProcessHeap (   jitter)
HANDLE GetProcessHeap();

◆ kernel32_GetStartupInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetStartupInfo (   jitter,
    void GetStartupInfo(
      LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo

    Retrieves the contents of the STARTUPINFO structure that was specified
    when the calling process was created.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetStartupInfoA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetStartupInfoA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetStartupInfoW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetStartupInfoW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetStdHandle()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetStdHandle (   jitter)
  _In_ DWORD nStdHandle

The standard input device. Initially, this is the console input buffer, CONIN$.

The standard output device. Initially, this is the active console screen buffer, CONOUT$.

The standard error device. Initially, this is the active console screen buffer, CONOUT$.

◆ kernel32_GetStringTypeW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetStringTypeW (   jitter)
    BOOL GetStringTypeW(
      DWORD                         dwInfoType,
      _In_NLS_string_(cchSrc)LPCWCH lpSrcStr,
      int                           cchSrc,
      LPWORD                        lpCharType

    Retrieves character type information for the characters in the specified
    Unicode source string. For each character in the string, the function
    sets one or more bits in the corresponding 16-bit element of the output
    array. Each bit identifies a given character type, for example, letter,
    digit, or neither.

◆ kernel32_GetSystemDefaultLangID()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemDefaultLangID (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemDirectoryW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetSystemInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemInfo (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetSystemTime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemTime (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetTempFileNameA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetTempFileNameA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetTempPathA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetTempPathA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetTempPathW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetTempPathW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetThreadLocale()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetThreadLocale (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetTickCount()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetTickCount (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetUserGeoID()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetUserGeoID (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetVersion()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVersion (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GetVersionEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVersionEx (   jitter,

◆ kernel32_GetVolumeInformationA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVolumeInformationA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GetVolumeInformationW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVolumeInformationW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_GlobalAlloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GlobalAlloc (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_GlobalFree()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GlobalFree (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_HeapAlloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_HeapAlloc (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_HeapFree()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_HeapFree (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_InitializeCriticalSection()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_InitializeCriticalSection (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_InitializeCriticalSectionEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_InitializeCriticalSectionEx (   jitter)
  LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection,
  DWORD              dwSpinCount,
  DWORD              Flags

◆ kernel32_IsBadReadPtr()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_IsBadReadPtr (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_IsDebuggerPresent()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_IsDebuggerPresent (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_IsProcessorFeaturePresent()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_IsProcessorFeaturePresent (   jitter)
BOOL IsProcessorFeaturePresent(
  DWORD ProcessorFeature

◆ kernel32_IsValidCodePage()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_IsValidCodePage (   jitter)
BOOL IsValidCodePage(
  UINT CodePage

◆ kernel32_IsWow64Process()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_IsWow64Process (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_LeaveCriticalSection()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LeaveCriticalSection (   jitter)
void LeaveCriticalSection(
  LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection

◆ kernel32_LoadLibrary()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibrary (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LoadLibraryA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibraryA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LoadLibraryEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibraryEx (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LoadLibraryExA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibraryExA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LoadLibraryExW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibraryExW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LoadLibraryW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LoadLibraryW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_LocalAlloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LocalAlloc (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_LocalFree()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_LocalFree (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_lstrcatA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcatA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcatW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcatW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcmpA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcmpA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcmpi()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcmpi (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcmpiA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcmpiA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcmpiW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcmpiW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcmpW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcmpW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcpy (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcpyA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcpyA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcpyn()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcpyn (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrcpyW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrcpyW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrlen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrlen (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrlenA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrlenA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_lstrlenW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_lstrlenW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_MapViewOfFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_MapViewOfFile (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_MultiByteToWideChar()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_MultiByteToWideChar (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_myGetTempPath()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_myGetTempPath (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_Process32First()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_Process32First (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_Process32Next()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_Process32Next (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_QueryPerformanceCounter (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_ReadFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_ReadFile (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_RestoreLastError()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_RestoreLastError (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_RtlMoveMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_RtlMoveMemory (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SetCurrentDirectory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetCurrentDirectory (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetCurrentDirectoryW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_SetEndOfFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetEndOfFile (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SetFileAttributesA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetFileAttributesA (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SetFilePointer()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetFilePointer (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SetFilePointerEx()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetFilePointerEx (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SetLastError()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetLastError (   jitter)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_SetPriorityClass()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SetPriorityClass (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_SHGetPathFromIDList()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_SHGetPathFromIDList (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_Sleep()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_Sleep (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_TlsAlloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_TlsAlloc (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_TlsFree()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_TlsFree (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_TlsGetValue()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_TlsGetValue (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_TlsSetValue()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_TlsSetValue (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_UnmapViewOfFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_UnmapViewOfFile (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_VirtualAlloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_VirtualAlloc (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ kernel32_VirtualFree()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_VirtualFree (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_VirtualLock()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_VirtualLock (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_VirtualProtect()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_VirtualProtect (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_VirtualQuery()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_VirtualQuery (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_WaitForSingleObject()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_WaitForSingleObject (   jitter)

◆ kernel32_WideCharToMultiByte()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_WideCharToMultiByte (   jitter)
    int WideCharToMultiByte(
      UINT                               CodePage,
      DWORD                              dwFlags,
      _In_NLS_string_(cchWideChar)LPCWCH lpWideCharStr,
      int                                cchWideChar,
      LPSTR                              lpMultiByteStr,
      int                                cbMultiByte,
      LPCCH                              lpDefaultChar,
      LPBOOL                             lpUsedDefaultChar

◆ kernel32_WriteFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_WriteFile (   jitter)

◆ mdl2ad()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.mdl2ad (   n)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt__mbscpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt__mbscpy (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt__ultow()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt__ultow (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt__wcsicmp()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt__wcsicmp (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt__wcsnicmp()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt__wcsnicmp (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt__wfopen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt__wfopen (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_atexit()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_atexit (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_delete()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_delete (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_fclose()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fclose (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_fopen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fopen (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_fprintf()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fprintf (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_fread()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fread (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_free()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_free (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_fseek()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fseek (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_ftell()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_ftell (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_fwrite()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_fwrite (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_malloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_malloc (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_memcmp()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_memcmp (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_memcpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_memcpy (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_memset()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_memset (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_myfopen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_myfopen (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_new()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_new (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_rand()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_rand (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_realloc()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_realloc (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_rewind()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_rewind (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_sprintf()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_sprintf (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_sprintf_str()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_sprintf_str (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_srand()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_srand (   jitter)

◆ msvcrt_strlen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_strlen (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_strrchr()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_strrchr (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_swprintf()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_swprintf (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcscat()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcscat (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcscmp()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcscmp (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcscpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcscpy (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcslen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcslen (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcsncpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcsncpy (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ msvcrt_wcsrchr()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.msvcrt_wcsrchr (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ my_CreateDirectory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_CreateDirectory (   jitter,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_CreateEvent()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_CreateEvent (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_FindFirstFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_FindFirstFile (   jitter,
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_FindNextFile()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_FindNextFile (   jitter,

◆ my_GetEnvironmentVariable()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_GetEnvironmentVariable (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_GetSystemDirectory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_GetSystemDirectory (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_GetVolumeInformation()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_GetVolumeInformation (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_lstrcat()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_lstrcat (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_lstrcmp()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_lstrcmp (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_strcpy()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_strcpy (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ my_strlen()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.my_strlen (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_LdrGetProcedureAddress()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_LdrGetProcedureAddress (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_LdrLoadDll()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_LdrLoadDll (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_memset()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_memset (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_RtlCompareMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlCompareMemory (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlComputeCrc32()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlComputeCrc32 (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlFindCharInUnicodeString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlFindCharInUnicodeString (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlFreeUnicodeString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlFreeUnicodeString (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlHashUnicodeString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlHashUnicodeString (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlInitAnsiString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlInitAnsiString (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_RtlInitString()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlInitString (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerAdd()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerAdd (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerSubtract()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_RtlMoveMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_RtlMoveMemory (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_ZwAllocateVirtualMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_ZwAllocateVirtualMemory (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntdll_ZwFreeVirtualMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_ZwFreeVirtualMemory (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_ZwProtectVirtualMemory()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_ZwProtectVirtualMemory (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_ZwQuerySystemInformation()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_ZwQuerySystemInformation (   jitter)

◆ ntdll_ZwUnmapViewOfSection()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntdll_ZwUnmapViewOfSection (   jitter)

◆ ntoskrnl_ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_IoAllocateMdl()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_IoAllocateMdl (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_IoFreeMdl()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_IoFreeMdl (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_KeInitializeEvent()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_KeInitializeEvent (   jitter)

◆ ntoskrnl_MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_MmProbeAndLockPages()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_MmProbeAndLockPages (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_MmProtectMdlSystemAddress()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_MmProtectMdlSystemAddress (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_MmUnlockPages()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_MmUnlockPages (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_RtlGetVersion()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_RtlGetVersion (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ntoskrnl_RtlQueryRegistryValues()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_RtlQueryRegistryValues (   jitter)

◆ ntoskrnl_RtlVerifyVersionInfo()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ntoskrnl_RtlVerifyVersionInfo (   jitter)

◆ raw2guid()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.raw2guid (   r)

◆ shell32_CommandLineToArgvW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shell32_CommandLineToArgvW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shell32_SHGetPathFromIDListW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shell32_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shell32_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (   jitter)

◆ shlwapi_PathFindExtensionA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathFindExtensionA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumber()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumber (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathGetDriveNumberW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathIsDirectoryW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathIsDirectoryW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathIsFileSpec()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathIsFileSpec (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathIsFileSpecW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathIsPrefixW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathIsPrefixW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_PathRemoveFileSpecW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_PathRemoveFileSpecW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_StrCmpNIA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_StrCmpNIA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_StrToInt64Ex()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_StrToInt64Ex (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_StrToInt64ExA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_StrToInt64ExA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_StrToInt64ExW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_StrToInt64ExW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shlwapi_StrToIntA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.shlwapi_StrToIntA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ unixtime_to_filetime()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.unixtime_to_filetime (   unixtime)
Convert unixtime to filetime

◆ user32_BlockInput()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_BlockInput (   jitter)

◆ user32_FindWindowA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_FindWindowA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ user32_GetForegroundWindow()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetForegroundWindow (   jitter)

◆ user32_GetKeyboardType()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetKeyboardType (   jitter)

◆ user32_GetMessagePos()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetMessagePos (   jitter)

◆ user32_GetSystemMetrics()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetSystemMetrics (   jitter)

◆ user32_GetTopWindow()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetTopWindow (   jitter)

◆ user32_GetWindowLongA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_GetWindowLongA (   jitter)

◆ user32_IsCharAlpha()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharAlpha (   jitter,
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ user32_IsCharAlphaA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharAlphaA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ user32_IsCharAlphaNumericA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharAlphaNumericA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ user32_IsCharAlphaW()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharAlphaW (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ user32_IsCharLowerA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharLowerA (   jitter)

◆ user32_IsCharUpperA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_IsCharUpperA (   jitter)

◆ user32_MessageBoxA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_MessageBoxA (   jitter)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ user32_SetWindowLongA()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.user32_SetWindowLongA (   jitter)

◆ wsock32_WSAStartup()

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.wsock32_WSAStartup (   jitter)

Variable Documentation


dictionary miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ACCESS_DICT
Initial value:
1 = {0x0: 0,
2  0x1: 0,
3  0x2: PAGE_READ,
5  0x10: PAGE_EXEC,
10  0x100: 0
11  }


miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.ACCESS_DICT_INV = dict((x[1], x[0]) for x in viewitems(ACCESS_DICT))

◆ console_handler

miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

◆ DATE_1601_TO_1970

int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.DATE_1601_TO_1970 = 116444736000000000

◆ digs

miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.digs = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.FILE_TYPE_CHAR = 0x0002


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0000

◆ fls

miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.fls = FLS()

◆ kernel32_FindNextFileA

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindNextFileA = lambda jitter: my_FindNextFile(jitter, encode_win_str_a)

◆ kernel32_FindNextFileW

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_FindNextFileW = lambda jitter: my_FindNextFile(jitter, encode_win_str_w)

◆ kernel32_GetVersionExA

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVersionExA
Initial value:
1 = lambda jitter: kernel32_GetVersionEx(jitter, 128,
2  encode_win_str_a)

◆ kernel32_GetVersionExW

def miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.kernel32_GetVersionExW
Initial value:
1 = lambda jitter: kernel32_GetVersionEx(jitter, 256,
2  encode_win_str_w)

◆ log

miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.log = logging.getLogger("win_api_x86_32")


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.MAX_PATH = 260

◆ process_list

list miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.process_list


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.STD_ERROR_HANDLE = 0xfffffff4


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.STD_INPUT_HANDLE = 0xfffffff6


int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = 0xfffffff5

◆ temp_num

int miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.temp_num = 0


dictionary miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.VALID_CODE_PAGES
Initial value:
1 = {
2  37,437,500,708,709,710,720,737,775,850,852,855,857,858,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,869,870,874,875,
3  932,936,949,950,1026,1047,1140,1141,1142,1143,1144,1145,1146,1147,1148,1149,1200,1201,1250,1251,1252,
4  1253,1254,1255,1256,1257,1258,1361,10000,10001,10002,10003,10004,10005,10006,10007,10008,10010,10017,
5  10021,10029,10079,10081,10082,12000,12001,20000,20001,20002,20003,20004,20005,20105,20106,20107,20108,
6  20127,20261,20269,20273,20277,20278,20280,20284,20285,20290,20297,20420,20423,20424,20833,20838,20866,
7  20871,20880,20905,20924,20932,20936,20949,21025,21027,21866,28591,28592,28593,28594,28595,28596,28597,
8  28598,28599,28603,28605,29001,38598,50220,50221,50222,50225,50227,50229,50930,50931,50933,50935,50936,
9  50937,50939,51932,51936,51949,51950,52936,54936,57002,57003,57004,57005,57006,57007,57008,57009,57010,
10  57011,65000,65001
11 }

◆ winobjs

miasm.os_dep.win_api_x86_32.winobjs = c_winobjs()
def kernel32_GetVersionEx(jitter, str_size, encode_str)
Definition: win_api_x86_32.py:379