Reverse engineering framework
simplifications Namespace Reference


def check (expr_in, expr_out)


 parser = ArgumentParser("Expression simplification regression tests")
 args = parser.parse_args()
 trans = Translator.to_language("z3")
 check = lambda expr_in, expr_out: None
 a = ExprId('a', 32)
 b = ExprId('b', 32)
 c = ExprId('c', 32)
 d = ExprId('d', 32)
 e = ExprId('e', 32)
 f = ExprId('f', size=64)
 b_msb_null = b[:31].zeroExtend(32)
 c_msb_null = c[:31].zeroExtend(32)
 a31 = ExprId('a31', 31)
 b31 = ExprId('b31', 31)
 c31 = ExprId('c31', 31)
 b31_msb_null = ExprId('b31', 31)[:30].zeroExtend(31)
 c31_msb_null = ExprId('c31', 31)[:30].zeroExtend(31)
 a8 = ExprId('a8', 8)
 b8 = ExprId('b8', 8)
 c8 = ExprId('c8', 8)
 d8 = ExprId('d8', 8)
 e8 = ExprId('e8', 8)
 m = ExprMem(a, 32)
 s = a[:8]
 i0 = ExprInt(0, 32)
 i1 = ExprInt(1, 32)
 i2 = ExprInt(2, 32)
 i3 = ExprInt(3, 32)
 im1 = ExprInt(-1, 32)
 im2 = ExprInt(-2, 32)
 bi0 = ExprInt(0, 1)
 bi1 = ExprInt(1, 1)
 icustom = ExprInt(0x12345678, 32)
 cc = ExprCond(a, b, c)
 o = ExprCompose(a[8:16], a[:8])
 o2 = ExprCompose(a[8:16], a[:8])
list l = [a[:8], b[:8], c[:8], m[:8], s, i1[:8], i2[:8], o[:8]]
list l2 = l[::-1]
 x = ExprMem(a + b + ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32)
list to_test
 e_new = expr_simp_explicit(e_input)
 rez = e_check
 e_check = expr_simp(e_check)
 x1 = ExprId("x1", 32)
 x2 = ExprId("x2", 32)
 i1_tmp = ExprInt(1, 1)
 x1_z3 = trans.from_expr(x1)
 x2_z3 = trans.from_expr(x2)
 i1_z3 = trans.from_expr(i1_tmp)
list tests
 solver = z3.Solver()
 y = ExprId('y', 32)
 z = ExprId('z', 32)
 jra = ExprId('jra', 32)
 jrb = ExprId('jrb', 32)
 jrint1 = ExprId('jrint1', 32)
 e1 = ExprMem((a & ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32)) + ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32)
 e2 = ExprMem((a & ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32)) + b, 32)
tuple e3 = (a ^ b ^ ((a ^ b) & (b ^ (b - a))) ^ (b - a)).canonize()
list match_tests
list get_tests

Function Documentation

◆ check()

def simplifications.check (   expr_in,
Check that expr_in is always equals to expr_out

Variable Documentation

◆ a

simplifications.a = ExprId('a', 32)

◆ a31

simplifications.a31 = ExprId('a31', 31)

◆ a8

simplifications.a8 = ExprId('a8', 8)

◆ action


◆ args

simplifications.args = parser.parse_args()

◆ b

simplifications.b = ExprId('b', 32)

◆ b31

simplifications.b31 = ExprId('b31', 31)

◆ b31_msb_null

simplifications.b31_msb_null = ExprId('b31', 31)[:30].zeroExtend(31)

◆ b8

simplifications.b8 = ExprId('b8', 8)

◆ b_msb_null

simplifications.b_msb_null = b[:31].zeroExtend(32)

◆ bi0

simplifications.bi0 = ExprInt(0, 1)

◆ bi1

simplifications.bi1 = ExprInt(1, 1)

◆ c

simplifications.c = ExprId('c', 32)

◆ c31

simplifications.c31 = ExprId('c31', 31)

◆ c31_msb_null

simplifications.c31_msb_null = ExprId('c31', 31)[:30].zeroExtend(31)

◆ c8

simplifications.c8 = ExprId('c8', 8)

◆ c_msb_null

simplifications.c_msb_null = c[:31].zeroExtend(32)

◆ cc

simplifications.cc = ExprCond(a, b, c)

◆ check

simplifications.check = lambda expr_in, expr_out: None

◆ d

simplifications.d = ExprId('d', 32)

◆ d8

simplifications.d8 = ExprId('d8', 8)

◆ e

simplifications.e = ExprId('e', 32)

◆ e1

simplifications.e1 = ExprMem((a & ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32)) + ExprInt(0x10, 32), 32)

◆ e2

simplifications.e2 = ExprMem((a & ExprInt(0xFFFFFFFC, 32)) + b, 32)

◆ e3

tuple simplifications.e3 = (a ^ b ^ ((a ^ b) & (b ^ (b - a))) ^ (b - a)).canonize()

◆ e8

simplifications.e8 = ExprId('e8', 8)

◆ e_check

simplifications.e_check = expr_simp(e_check)

◆ e_new

simplifications.e_new = expr_simp_explicit(e_input)

◆ f

simplifications.f = ExprId('f', size=64)

◆ get_tests

list simplifications.get_tests
Initial value:
1 = [
2  (ExprAssign(ExprMem(a, 32), ExprMem(b, 32)).get_r(True), set([a, b, ExprMem(b, 32)])),
3  (ExprAssign(ExprMem(a, 32), ExprMem(b, 32)).get_w(), set([ExprMem(a, 32)])),
4  (ExprAssign(ExprMem(ExprMem(a, 32), 32), ExprMem(b, 32))
5  .get_r(True), set([a, b, ExprMem(b, 32), ExprMem(a, 32)])),
6 ]

◆ help


◆ i0

simplifications.i0 = ExprInt(0, 32)

◆ i1

simplifications.i1 = ExprInt(1, 32)

◆ i1_tmp

simplifications.i1_tmp = ExprInt(1, 1)

◆ i1_z3

simplifications.i1_z3 = trans.from_expr(i1_tmp)

◆ i2

simplifications.i2 = ExprInt(2, 32)

◆ i3

simplifications.i3 = ExprInt(3, 32)

◆ icustom

simplifications.icustom = ExprInt(0x12345678, 32)

◆ im1

simplifications.im1 = ExprInt(-1, 32)

◆ im2

simplifications.im2 = ExprInt(-2, 32)

◆ jra

simplifications.jra = ExprId('jra', 32)

◆ jrb

simplifications.jrb = ExprId('jrb', 32)

◆ jrint1

simplifications.jrint1 = ExprId('jrint1', 32)

◆ l

list simplifications.l = [a[:8], b[:8], c[:8], m[:8], s, i1[:8], i2[:8], o[:8]]

◆ l2

list simplifications.l2 = l[::-1]

◆ m

simplifications.m = ExprMem(a, 32)

◆ match_tests

list simplifications.match_tests
Initial value:
1 = [
2  (match_expr(ExprInt(12, 32), a, [a]), {a: ExprInt(12, 32)}),
3  (match_expr(x, a, [a]), {a: x}),
4  (match_expr(x + y, a, [a]), {a: x + y}),
5  (match_expr(x + y, a + y, [a]), {a: x}),
6  (match_expr(x + y, x + a, [a]), {a: y}),
7  (match_expr(x + y, a + b, [a, b]), {a: x, b: y}),
8  (match_expr(x + ExprInt(12, 32), a + b, [a, b]), {a: x, b: ExprInt(12, 32)}),
9  (match_expr(ExprMem(x, 32), a, [a]), {a: ExprMem(x, 32)}),
10  (match_expr(ExprMem(x, 32), ExprMem(a, 32), [a]), {a: x}),
11  (match_expr(x[0:8], a, [a]), {a: x[0:8]}),
12  (match_expr(x[0:8], a[0:8], [a]), {a: x}),
13  (match_expr(ExprCond(x, y, z), a, [a]), {a: ExprCond(x, y, z)}),
14  (match_expr(ExprCond(x, y, z),
15  ExprCond(a, b, c), [a, b, c]),
16  {a: x, b: y, c: z}),
17  (match_expr(ExprCompose(x[:8], y[:8]), a, [a]),
18  {a: ExprCompose(x[:8], y[:8])}),
19  (match_expr(ExprCompose(x[:8], y[:8]),
20  ExprCompose(a[:8], b[:8]), [a, b]),
21  {a: x, b: y}),
22  (match_expr(e1, e2, [b]), {b: ExprInt(0x10, 32)}),
23  (match_expr(e3,
24  (((jra ^ jrb) & (jrb ^ jrint1))
25  ^ jra ^ jrb ^ jrint1).canonize(),
26  [jra, jrb, jrint1]),
27  {jra: a, jrb: b, jrint1: b - a}),
28 ]

◆ o

simplifications.o = ExprCompose(a[8:16], a[:8])

◆ o2

simplifications.o2 = ExprCompose(a[8:16], a[:8])

◆ parser

simplifications.parser = ArgumentParser("Expression simplification regression tests")

◆ rez

simplifications.rez = e_check

◆ s

simplifications.s = a[:8]

◆ solver

simplifications.solver = z3.Solver()

◆ tests

list simplifications.tests
Initial value:
1 = [
2  (x1_z3 == x2_z3, expr_is_equal),
3  (x1_z3 != x2_z3, expr_is_not_equal),
4  (z3.UGT(x1_z3, x2_z3), expr_is_unsigned_greater),
5  (z3.UGE(x1_z3, x2_z3), expr_is_unsigned_greater_or_equal),
6  (z3.ULT(x1_z3, x2_z3), expr_is_unsigned_lower),
7  (z3.ULE(x1_z3, x2_z3), expr_is_unsigned_lower_or_equal),
8  (x1_z3 > x2_z3, expr_is_signed_greater),
9  (x1_z3 >= x2_z3, expr_is_signed_greater_or_equal),
10  (x1_z3 < x2_z3, expr_is_signed_lower),
11  (x1_z3 <= x2_z3, expr_is_signed_lower_or_equal),
12  ]

◆ to_test

list simplifications.to_test

◆ trans

simplifications.trans = Translator.to_language("z3")

◆ x

simplifications.x = ExprMem(a + b + ExprInt(0x42, 32), 32)

◆ x1

simplifications.x1 = ExprId("x1", 32)

◆ x1_z3

simplifications.x1_z3 = trans.from_expr(x1)

◆ x2

simplifications.x2 = ExprId("x2", 32)

◆ x2_z3

simplifications.x2_z3 = trans.from_expr(x2)

◆ y

simplifications.y = ExprId('y', 32)

◆ z

simplifications.z = ExprId('z', 32)
def match_expr(expr, pattern, tks, result=None)
Definition: expression.py:1709