| asmblock.data = decode_hex("5589e583ec10837d08007509c745fc01100000eb73837d08017709c745fc02100000eb64837d08057709c745fc03100000eb55837d080774138b450801c083f80e7509c745fc04100000eb3c8b450801c083f80e7509c745fc05100000eb298b450883e03085c07409c745fc06100000eb16837d08427509c745fc07100000eb07c745fc081000008b45fcc9c3") |
| asmblock.loc_db = LocationDB() |
| asmblock.cont = Container.from_string(data, loc_db) |
| asmblock.machine = Machine("x86_32") |
| asmblock.mdis = machine.dis_engine(cont.bin_stream, loc_db=loc_db) |
| asmblock.first_block = mdis.dis_block(0) |
| Disassembly of one block. More...
| asmblock.first_block_bis = mdis.dis_block(0) |
| Test redisassemble asmcfg. More...
| asmblock.asmcfg = mdis.dis_multiblock(0) |
| Disassembly of several block, with cache. More...
| asmblock.leaves = asmcfg.leaves() |
| Equality between assembly lines is not yet implemented. More...
| asmblock.last_block_loc_key = leaves.pop() |
bool | asmblock.good = False |
| Modification must be reported from the graph. More...
| asmblock.dg = DiGraphSimplifier() |
| Use a graph simplifier to recursively apply the simplification pass. More...
| asmblock.testlabel = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel") |
| Only two asmcfg should remain. More...
| asmblock.my_block = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel) |
| asmblock.testlabel_bad = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_bad") |
| Bad asmcfg. More...
| asmblock.my_bad_block = AsmBlockBad(loc_db, testlabel_bad) |
| asmblock.testlabel_nextitself = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_nextitself") |
| Link the bad block and update edges Indeed, a sub-element has been modified (bto from a block from asmcfg) More...
| asmblock.my_block_ni = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_nextitself) |
bool | asmblock.error_raised = False |
| OK for now. More...
| asmblock.testlabel_target = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_target") |
| Back to a normal state. More...
| asmblock.my_block_target = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_target) |
| asmblock.testlabel_src1 = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_src1") |
| asmblock.testlabel_src2 = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_src2") |
| asmblock.my_block_src1 = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_src1) |
| asmblock.my_block_src2 = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_src2) |
| asmblock.testlabel_pend_src = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_pend_src") |
| Guess block size Initial state. More...
| asmblock.testlabel_pend_dst = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("testlabel_pend_dst") |
| asmblock.my_block_src = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_pend_src) |
| asmblock.my_block_dst = AsmBlock(loc_db, testlabel_pend_dst) |
| asmblock.pending = list(asmcfg.pendings[my_block_dst.loc_key])[0] |
| Check resulting state. More...
| asmblock.data2 = decode_hex("31c0eb0c31c9750c31d2eb0c31ffebf831dbebf031edebfc31f6ebf031e4c3") |
| Pending must disappeared when adding expected block. More...
| asmblock.cont2 = Container.from_string(data2, loc_db) |
| asmblock.entry_asmcfg = asmcfg.heads() |
| Dump the graph after merging. More...
| asmblock.bad_block_lbl |
| asmblock.alone_block |
| asmblock.entry_block = asmcfg.loc_key_to_block(entry_asmcfg.pop()) |
| Check resulting function. More...
| asmblock.nextb |
| asmblock.tob |
| asmblock.asmcfg_bef = asmcfg.copy() |
| Without condition for a split, no change. More...
| asmblock.inside_firstbbl = loc_db.get_offset_location(4) |
| Create conditions for a block split. More...
| asmblock.lbl_newb = asmcfg.successors(entry_block.loc_key)[0] |
| Check result. More...
| asmblock.newb = asmcfg.loc_key_to_block(lbl_newb) |
| asmblock.preds = asmcfg.predecessors(lbl_newb) |
| asmblock.bbl0 = MatchGraphJoker(name="0") |
| Check resulting disasm. More...
| asmblock.bbl2 = MatchGraphJoker(name="2") |
| asmblock.bbl4 = MatchGraphJoker(name="4") |
| asmblock.bbl9 = MatchGraphJoker(name="9") |
| asmblock.bblB = MatchGraphJoker(name="B") |
| asmblock.bbl10 = MatchGraphJoker(name="10") |
| asmblock.matcher = bbl0 >> bbl2 >> bbl4 >> bbl9 >> bblB >> bbl10 |
| asmblock.solutions = list(matcher.match(asmcfg)) |
| asmblock.solution = solutions.pop() |
| asmblock.offset = loc_db.get_location_offset(label) |
| asmblock.loc_key_dum = loc_db.get_or_create_name_location("dummy_loc") |